If the terminal is not connecting via Ethernet, follow these steps after making sure that there is a router on site:
Check Ethernet Ports:
Verify that the Ethernet cables are correctly connected to the appropriate ports.
Connect the Ethernet cable to the upper left port of the device (LANS232B) and to LAN port 1, 2, or 3 on the router.
Check if the LAN signal appears at the top of the terminal’s screen.
For A80 Terminals:
If the LAN signal is not visible:
Static IP:
Contact customer support for further checks.
Restart both the router and the terminal.
If the issue persists, contact your provider to ensure there is an internet connection.
For S800 / Q30 Terminals:
If the LAN signal is not visible:
Static IP:
Check the settings to ensure the IP, Mask, and Gateway fields are filled in.
If not, fill them in and try to connect.
If the connection does not proceed, restart the router and the terminal.
If the problem remains, contact your internet provider to confirm the correct settings and functionality of the connection.
Try restarting the router and the terminal.
If the issue persists, check in the settings to see if the terminal is receiving an IP address.
If there is no IP address, contact your internet provider for more information.
Attempt to connect to another network to check if the terminal recognizes the IP address.