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How do I set up a physical store/payment source?
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By registering a physical store in your account, you create a distinct revenue source, allowing you to monitor and manage the store's transactions separately. Additionally, this source will be directly linked to your terminals, streamlining payment organization and revenue allocation by store.

If you are the account administrator or a user with the appropriate role assigned to you (Role: Account Management) by the account administrator, follow these steps to proceed.

➤ How to create a physical store payment source

To create a physical store, you will need to follow the steps below:

  • Log in to your viva.com account

  • Click Sales > Physical Payments > Stores > Add a Store

  • Fill in your business details and preferred viva.com linked account in the pop-up window

  • Fill in your business details in the pop-up window:

    • Code: the four-digit number at the top left of the dialogue box is the "Source Code" - the unique code of this payment source. This code is automatically generated, but you can choose a different value if you prefer (for organisational reasons, for example)

    • Store name: Give your store a name so that you can identify it in your reports

    • Customer description: enter a friendly store description that will appear on your customers' transaction receipts

    • Linked account: the viva.com account to which sales made through this store will be credited

    • Store address: The address of your store

    • Tel. number: Phone number: The phone number of your store

    • Finally, click the Create button to complete the creation of the payment source

The store creation process is complete!

By creating different stores within your viva.com business account, you are able to organize and manage your sales transactions in the best possible way.

➤ Renaming of payment source

If you want to rename one of your payment sources, from the viva.com Account menu:

  1. Click on Sales > Physical Payments > Stores

  2. Find the Store you want to rename and click the name in the description field

  3. Once you have finished editing your store details, click the "Update" button at the bottom right to save it.

➤ Deletion of payment source

Deleting a payment source is only possible if you have not received any payment on the linked account. Otherwise, you can edit the source or turn on/off the switch in the Operation column.

Note: The default source will remain active (no deletion option available).

➤ Assigning the source to an employee.

Through the menu of your administrator account:

  1. Select Settings > Users and select the respective user you want to set a payment source for

  2. Click the edit button.

  3. Click on the "Show/Manage transactions from" field and from the drop-down menu select the payment source you want to assign to the user

  4. Finally, click the "Update" button to save your changes

➤ Mapping a source to your terminal (Store Manager)

Within your viva.com Account, navigate to Sales > Physical Payments > Card Terminals

  • You will see a list of your active terminals

  • Click the Edit button for the terminal you want to modify

  • You can then use the "Select source" drop-down menu to select the store you want to assign to this terminal before saving

Note: If you are a user (as an employee) and cannot view the following fields in your account, contact the account administrator to give you the appropriate permissions.

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