BANCOMAT Pay is a payment method available to cardholders using the BANCOMAT mobile application. Our Smart Checkout solution requests the cardholder to enter the mobile number that is linked to their BANCOMAT Pay mobile application. They will then be able to authorise the transaction within the application.
➡️ Key benefits of offering Bancomat Pay as a payment method are:
Flexibility: users can pay with their bank card BANCOMAT Scheme.
Easy to use: Consumers experience a seamless and secure experience.
Get started quickly: The merchant does not need to have an account with BANCOMAT.
How it works
How it works
At the online checkout, the customer selects BANCOMAT Pay as their preferred payment method, before filling in their details and clicking Continue:
A notification for the payment will then be received on the mobile device on which the BANCOMAT Pay application is installed:
Once the BANCOMAT Pay app is opened, the payment request can be seen and actioned:
Upon clicking Confirm, the payment will be displayed as ‘in progress’:
Finally, the application will confirm the payment is complete, and the Smart Checkout payment page will update:
Payment method type: Asynchronous. You need to set up webhooks in order to get notified for asynchronous payments
Refunds: Supports partial and full refunds (only one refund is allowed)
Recurring payments: Not yet supported
Pre-authorizations: Not yet supported
0% Cashback: Not supported
MOTO: Not supported
Cancellation: Supports cancellation
Disputes: Not supported
DCC: Not supported
Surcharge: Not supported
Tipping: Not supported
Installments: Not supported
Tokenization: No
Restricted MCC: Some Merchant Categories are not eligible to have BANCOMAT Pay activated
Μerchant countries: Italy
Customer countries: Italy
Pricing: Please refer to our pricing page under the main navigation for more information.
Settlement: Customer payments are deposited next day into your business account for confirmed payments / successful transactions (i.e. have statusId = F)
Cross-currency payments: Not yet supported
➡️How to activate
Merchants do not need to have an account with BANCOMAT Pay.
Merchants can only activate BANCOMAT Pay on their own from their Viva account interface. To activate BANCOMAT Pay, please follow the procedure below:
Sign in to your account.
Click on Settings > API Access and scroll down to the BANCOMAT Pay (Payment Method) section.
Click on the Enable BANCOMAT Pay as a payment method button.
BANCOMAT Pay will be activated
If you want to deactivate BANCOMAT Pay, click the Disable BANCOMAT Pay as a payment method button.
➡️ Merchant Categories (MCC)
Some merchant categories are not eligible to activate BANCOMAT Pay. If your business is in one of these categories, you will not be able to accept payments through BANCOMAT Pay:
Merchant Category (MCC) | Description |
7995 | Betting |
XXXX | Pornography |
➡️Get Support
If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!