IRIS is an online payment method that allows Greek customers to complete Smart Checkout transactions by logging into their bank environment and approving a specific payment. This method operates for most Greek banks and reaches almost all Greek users who use web banking solutions.
By default, all merchants in Greece are activated to accept payments with IRIS. All customers can pay with IRIS if they have a valid e-bank account that supports IRIS.
➡️ Key benefits of offering IRIS Smart Checkout as a payment method are:
Easy to use: There is no need for the users to carry credit or debit cards. Buyers can quickly pay within their e-bank environment
Availability: IRIS is a popular payment method within Greece and increases conversion for Greek merchants
Get started quickly: There is no need for the merchant to have an account with IRIS
How it works
How it works
At the checkout, the customer selects IRIS as their preferred payment method:
After clicking the Continue to IRIS button, the user is directed to the IRIS environment to select their bank account:
The user is then directed to their bank account’s page, where they can log in and complete the payment:
➡️ Details
Merchant's account: Merchants do not need to have an account with IRIS.
Payment method type: Asynchronous - payments are not confirmed immediately, it may take up to 20 minutes to receive payment confirmation. You need to set up webhooks to get notified for asynchronous payments
Refunds: Supports partial and full refunds
Recurring payments: Not yet supported
Pre-authorizations: Not yet supported
Restricted MCC: All Merchant Categories are eligible to have IRIS activated
Μerchant countries: Available for merchants registered in Greece only
Customer countries: Available to customers in Greece only
Pricing: Please refer to our pricing page under the main navigation for more information
Settlement: Customer payments are deposited the next day into your business account for confirmed payments / successful transactions (i.e. have statusId = F)
Cross-currency payments: Not yet supported
➡️ How to activate IRIS
IRIS is activated by default, meaning no extra setup is required from the merchant.
➡️How to deactivate IRIS
If you desire for the IRIS payment method to be deactivated, please contact us via the Live Chat function.
➡️ Get Support
If you would like to integrate with Viva, or if you have any queries about our products and solutions, please see our Contact & Support page to see how we can help!