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How to submit a complaint | EU
How to submit a complaint | EU
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Our goal is to provide great products and outstanding service however, we are aware that issues may occasionally arise. If you have any cause for a complaint, we will do everything we can to set things right as soon as you contact us.

How can I contact viva.com to submit a Complaint

You may contact our Customer Service Team through:

  1. Live Chat

  2. Phone

  3. Email

  4. By Post

Regardless of how you choose to contact us with your complaint we will give it our full attention and be dedicated to finding a solution for you.

Live Chat

You can chat with us to submit a complaint at any time by logging into your account via the viva.com App or a browser and selecting the "Chat with us" button. You’ll get a notification in the app or online when we reply. Our chat service is secure and easy to use – and our team is available 24/7.

Other ways to get in touch

  • By phone: Please find your country’s telephone number here: Contact.

  • By post: 18-20 Amarousiou Chalandriou Avenue, 151 25, Marousi, Greece

For more information on alternative ways to file a complaint, click here

Response to a complaint

Once you’ve submitted a complaint, we'll:

  • send you a confirmation email within 24 hours

  • give you a unique case number so we can find your record quickly

  • contact you via writing (chat, email, or post) to provide our final response with our findings, plan, and decision.

Our fundamental tenet involves conducting a fair and comprehensive assessment of all client grievances, following the process established and executed by viva.com.

We are committed to resolving the complaint as promptly as possible and within 15 business days. In cases beyond our control, you will be informed within 35 business days, a period provided by the current regulatory framework.

Dersom du ikke er fornøyd med svaret eller løsningen vi har foreslått, kan du innen ett år fra datoen for innsending av klagen kontakte Hellenic Financial Ombudsman (1 Massalias, 106 80 Athen – P.O. Box 9166, 100 32 Athen, Tlf: 10440 (lokaltakst), 210 337 6700, Faks: 210 323 8821, E-post: info@hobis.gr, www.hobis.gr).

Dette er et spesialisert organ for alternativ tvisteløsning, registrert i det spesialregisteret som føres av Generaldirektoratet for forbrukerbeskyttelse og markedstilsyn under Generalsekretariatet for handel og forbrukerbeskyttelse i Økonomi- og utviklingsdepartementet.

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