To activate your card terminal device, you have to follow the instructions per model as shown below:
➽ D200
Note: This device can be connected via WiFi or GPRS
Step by step instructions:
Click the button on the right side of the terminal continuously to open the device and press 1.
Choose your preferred language
In case you want to connect it to WiFi:
Choose 1 on your card terminal, the WIFI option
Choose your connection and insert the WiFi password of your network
Wait until the notification appears on your screen
The card terminal is ready to use.
In case you want to connect your card terminal through GPRS:
Choose 2 on your card terminal, the notification GPRS, for connection through SIM CARD
Choose the option card if you are using the SIM that has been provided to you, or the option Other if you are using a different SIM (If you chose Other, please enter the APN of your provider)
Wait until the icon appears on your screen
The card terminal is ready to use.
➽ S800
Note: This device can be connected via Ethernet
Step by step instructions
Connect the electricity cable to the round Power port and the network cable to the LAN port on the back of the device
Press the red button continuously to open the device, press 1 and choose your preferred language
Choose 1 DHCP and OK* and wait for the notification to appear
The card terminal is ready to use.
In case you have Static IP, you have to fill in the areas below:
For Static IP press 1
For Gateway press 2
For Subnet mask press 3
If you are not accustomed to any of the conditions above, please contact your provider
➽ S900
Note: This device can be connected via WiFi or GPRS
Step by step instructions:
Press the red button on the right side of the card terminal continuously to open the device and press 1
Choose your preferred language
In case you want to connect it to the WiFi:
Choose 1 on your card terminal, the WiFi option
Choose your connection and insert the WiFi password of your network
Wait until the notification appears on your screen
The card terminal is ready to use.
In case you want to connect it through GPRS:
Choose 2 GPRS on your card terminal, to connect through your SIM CARD
Choose the option card if you are using the SIM that has been provided to you or the option Other if you are using a different SIM (If you chose Other, please enter the APN of your provider)
Wait until the option appears on your screen
The card terminal is ready to use.