In this article, you will find all the necessary info you need to enable/disable the multi-merchant mode in your Ciontek card terminal and/or mobile phone tablets ' terminal'.
The Ciontek terminals are:
Ciontek CS30PRO
Ciontek CS30PRO with a professional scanner
Ciontek CS50C
The scope of the multi-merchant functionality is to give the option between multiple merchants or ISV partners to use the terminal.
Users can select each merchant account so that they can accept payments on behalf of multiple merchants.
Enable Multi-Merchant functionality
In order to enable the multi-merchant functionality in your powered by Google terminal or mobile device, follow the steps below:
Tap on the "More" option at the bottom right menu.
Toggle on/off the Multi-Merchant sales section.
Select the icon at the top right-hand side on the screen to switch merchant accounts.