What payment methods can I accept with Tap to Pay on iPhone, and how much does it cost?
With Tap to Pay on iPhone, you can accept any form of contactless payment, including Apple Pay on iPhone and Apple Watch, other digital wallet and payment services, and contactless debit and credit Mastercard, Visa, AMEX, Discover®, Global Network and Diners cards.
No extra hardware is needed.
You may check our pricing rates in our official website here.
Which devices and operating systems can use Tap to Pay on iPhone and accept payments through viva.com terminal?
Tap to Pay on iPhone requires:
iPhone XS or later.
iOS 16.7 or later.
In which countries is the Tap to Pay on iPhone feature available?
Tap to Pay on iPhone is available in the viva.com terminal in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Romania, and the Czech Republic.
What business information is linked to Apple?
When you accept the Tap to Pay on iPhone Terms and Conditions, your unique Merchant ID, merchant category code, and your business name are linked to Tap to Pay on iPhone.
More information can be found on Apple’s developer website for Tap to Pay on iPhone here.
What is the Tap to Pay on iPhone Merchant ID?
The Tap to Pay on iPhone Merchant ID uniquely identifies your business as a merchant that is able to accept payments through a specific payment service provider. If you accept payments through multiple payment service providers, each provider will assign you a separate Merchant ID.
What is the PIN entry accessibility mode?
Merchants can enable the pin entry accessibility mode for customers that need it by tapping “Accessibility Options” on the PIN screen. The Accessible PIN entry mode will read out the instructions over the iPhone speaker to the customer. Reference instructions in text are also provided on-screen for the merchant. More information can be found on Apple’s developer website for Tap to Pay on iPhone here.
Where can I find more information for the Tap to Pay on iPhone?
More information on Tap to Pay on iPhone can be found on Apple’s developer website here.