In this article, you will find all the necessary info you need to activate your Ciontek card terminal and/or mobile phone tablets ' terminal'.
The Ciontek card terminals are:
Ciontek CS30PRO
Ciontek CS30PRO with a professional scanner
Ciontek CS50C
The Sunmi card terminals are:
Sunmi P2 LITE SE
Sunmi P2 SE
Sunmi P2 smartpad
The below detailed video contains all the required steps for the activation of Ciontek Card Terminals:
Connect your terminal to your account. You can follow the steps mentioned here:
How do I accept transactions on the Ciontek CS30PRO?
The innovative Contactless Terminal supports contactless transactions only without having a card slot.
In case you wish to accept transactions via Chip & PIN you can connect the terminal with our Mini Card Reader.