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Source for ISV
Updated over a month ago

These sources are used by ISV Partners.

➡️ Add a Payment Source

To add a new payment source for ISV, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to and select the relevant account (demo or live).

  • Go to Sales -> Physical Payments -> Stores.

  • Select Add Store.

  • Fill in the required details in the pop-up window as follows:

  • Code: The four-digit number at the top-left of the dialog box is the "Source Code" – a unique identifier for this payment source. It is generated automatically, but you can choose a different value for organizational purposes.

  • Store Name: Provide a name for your store so you can recognize it in your reports.

  • Customer Description: Enter a user-friendly description of the store that will appear on customer transaction receipts.

  • Store Address: Enter the address of your store.

  • Tel. Number: Enter your store's phone number.

Finally, click the Create button to complete the payment source setup.

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